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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"


Languages Vision

By learning a foreign language, our children are able to express their thoughts and ideas whilst continuing to widen their communication and written skills.  Through exposure to new languages, the children can celebrate diversity and their individual identity whilst also being encouraged to explore their curiosity and deepen understanding of other cultures. The practical language skills taught will support the children as they continue to develop, providing greater opportunities for the future.


What makes our curriculum special at St Mark's

At St Mark’s we believe that it is important for our children to learn and engage with another language as this enables them to explore our diverse and multi-cultural world. Many of our children may not experience exposure to different languages in their day to day life which is why we have chosen to provide an opportunity to learn about the French language and culture. Learning French is also beneficial to our children as it will give them a deeper understanding of the English language regarding vocabulary and grammar.