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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"

Social Education

Our Vision Statement “Let your light shine” Matthew 5:16 captures our desire for all members of our school community to excel in the development of their social skills.  We expect everyone to treat others the way they wish to be treated.

All children are members of a family group made up of two children from each class. Each class teacher is a family group leader. Family groups meet together termly to socialise and to work together on joint tasks.

All children also have a reading partner in school who they read with each week throughout the school year. It is always a delight to watch the children enjoying being together and all sharing books in such a positive way.

There are opportunities for the children to socialise with others from different religious, ethnic and social-economic backgrounds through our collaboration with other schools in the Multi-Academy Trust e.g. sporting competitions, choir and dance festivals.

Our Family Support Advisor works with individual or small groups of children supporting the development of social skills and helping children and their families in their social interactions, self-esteem, self-confidence and sense of well-being. Click here to view the Pastoral Support page on our website for a more extensive overview of the Family Advisor’s work.

Children actively participate in a variety of communities and social groups developing their ability to cooperate well with others and encouraging them to be able to resolve conflicts effectively.

  • NSPCC visit school to encourage children’s voice in expressing what makes them feel uncomfortable which is subsequently reinforce through regular circle times in class. St Mark’s have fundraised to support the valuable work of the NSPCC.
  • We encourage children to ask ‘Big Questions’ within the RE curriculum and the wider school curriculum.
  • Teachers are confident to move beyond planned opportunities to make the most of the questions raised by the curiosity of pupils and opportunities that occur spontaneously across the curriculum.

See British Values section of website.