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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"

Academy Council

It was an absolute delight to work with colleagues and children from Trinity Church School in Portishead when they visited our school on December 2nd 2019.Our school Academy of 10 children from across year 5 and 6, were excited to tour our with the staff and children from Trinity. They focused on explaining about our core Christian Values and how each class had interpreted the values specific to their year group. They also showed our school vision displays within the classrooms and how our vision 'Let Your Light Shine' is in action within the school environment. Children from Trinity led a lovely worship for St mark's community of how they live their Vision and Values through CREW. St Mark's Academy are looking forward to visiting Trinity and Leading worship at their school in the New Year.

Please see the comments from the Academy children about the impact of joint working within our Trust schools.

" Going to each others school in the Trust gives us ideas to make our own school even better." Austin

" Having other children and staff from other Trust schools visit lets us show how we 'Let Our Light Shine' at St Mark's." Sidney 

" We were able to share good ideas about our school. I particularly liked their idea of wearing slippers for the day!" Cohen

" I have learnt that there are differences between our schools.If we use their differences in our school we will make our school an even better place to learn." Olivia

" St George's and Trinity both have Houses' so we could look into having Houses' at St Mark's. Perhaps the Academy Council could be the  Captains of the houses." Finley