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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"

Shoe Box Appeal

One of our visiting ministers from the local Baptist church, had strong links with a church in Tirana, Albania. Through his enthusiasm and discussion with children and staff, we decided to link with the same church to help at Christmas, by sending presents in shoeboxes. The shoeboxes were delivered to Albania by people from the local church and we have been able to share pictures of children receiving the gifts. Since we began the project, it has grown in size and now involves the whole of the South West Baptist union and many links in Albania.
One year 6 child came into school before the start of the day eagerly wanting to show his teacher & LSA the contents of his box for the shoe box appeal in Albania. Together he and his mum had chosen to fill a box for a baby girl. He excitedly talked through the contents which included a blanket, a hat , scarf & mitts as well as small cuddly toys. He explained how  these items would be very important to a baby in a cold country & knew that his box would really make a difference to the baby receiving it. He was so obviously very proud of being able to give his box !