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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"

Well-being and Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is the provision school makes to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of your child. We believe in wellbeing for everyone, and by recognising the importance of good mental health, we will have a school in which all children are provided with opportunities to promote good mental health.

We are aware that some pupils will require emotional and pastoral support at some point in their educational journeys. This is exactly why pastoral care at St Mark’s Primary school has become a priority.

With education and health being so closely linked, it's been proven that pupils with good physical and mental health perform better at school and will achieve more academically. PSHE lessons in school hugely contribute towards students' wellbeing. They teach important life skills that children can implement in their own lives to better themselves. Good pastoral care at school ultimately helps to build character in pupils which will help them in their adult life.


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