Young Carers
What is a Young Carer?
To be a young carer, a child has to be living with another person in their household who has a physical or mental health condition. They do not necessarily have to be doing any physical caring as the emotional strain can be just as wearing for them.
At Young Carers North Somerset, the children attend regular sessions of counselling, therapeutic play, school holiday outings and events all paid for by the service. They provide food at every session and will arrange transport if needed for families. It has been great for some of our children to have some respite from siblings with challenging behaviours or parents with mental illness or from caring for another person, for example, and just 'to be themselves' for a few hours per week. For more information please see the North Somerset Young Carers website: Alliance Homes: Support for young and young adult carers | Alliance Living Support
North Somerset referral form: young-carers-referral-form.docx (
St Mark's are very proud to have been awarded the Young Carers Gold Mark. Out of 26 schools in North Somerset that are linked with Young Carers, St Mark's was one of the first schools to hold these awards.
This is the list that we completed to achieve the award;
Have an identified staff lead for YC-Miss Coldwell
Have info from the agency available for families and actively promote it.
Hold YC assemblies to raise awareness.
Hold registers of YC and their attendance of activities.
Ensure transitioning students are included, in and out of the school.
Attend local network meetings.
Design a display board for families to raise awareness.
Ensure staff are aware of what a YC is and who may be in their class.
Liaise with other professionals in meetings, being an advocate.
Provide YC with opportunities to be listened to.
Have training on how to spot a YC and know how to support them.
Portray a positive view of YC.
Hold a fundraising event to support YC in school.
A quote from Georgia Prentice, Manager at Young Carers, North Somerset, when St Mark's were awarded the Gold Award for the level of service given to our school families.
“We were so pleased to be able to recognise the wonderful support that St Mark’s provide to young carers and their families. This support in school makes such a huge difference and if every school was as committed as St Marks, what a difference that would make! “
A quote from Lorna Robinson, advocate from Falcon Holidays, which is a charity providing
financial support for vulnerable families to enable them to take a holiday break.
“I have had the pleasure of working with St Mark's to identify vulnerable children and families who really need a break. St Mark's have been instrumental in enabling these children to have a week away meaning that whole families can have some respite. Hopefully this year we will be able to extend our provision to more families in need.”