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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"


Each year our year 2 children and their year 5 partner children gather with staff & Governors for a Christingle Service. This helps to consolidate their friendships  Please see below some photos of the service & some comments from the children & staff. The service was so uplifting!


" A special moment of spirituality for me was when I lit a large match from the candle which had been lit at the beginning of our Worship. That candle represented that Holy Spirit who guides us . When the large match met with the flame of our" Holy Spirit" candle there was a powerful surge of light that could not only been seen but could be heard! It was such a beautiful moment in time. "

Mrs Bath


" It was as if everyone's sadness was melting away with the candles." Syd 

"It was really fun to make a Christingle , I felt like I could move the world in my hands 'magic'. " Amelia

"I confessed in peace." William

"I'm holding the world in my hands and I'm so small." Jasmine

" It made me feel relaxed." Rory

" I felt peaceful and relaxed when it was really quiet and I was looking at the candle." Sam

"it was peaceful - when I was staring at the light the memories of God and Jesus came to our heads." Sophia

" When I was looking at the candle it made me feel really grateful for all the light and what God gave to us." Tiana

" I enjoyed the Christingle service the morning. What a fabulous start to the day. You and your staff team lead a fabulous service, and it brought a tear to my eye singing with all the Christingles lit. What a moment to remember! I was so impressed with the friendship value so clearly demonstrated by the children, the older ones helping the year 2's, such fantastic role role models." - School Governor