Spiritual Development
What is Spirituality at St Mark's?
The church of England's Vision for Education states a core desire that children will experience life in all its fullness (John 10:10) and we at St Mark's, believe that we need to give all our children the chance to let their light shine.
We believe that exploring Spirituality by educating the whole child and providing full life experiences meets this desire.
Our definition of spirituality is that it is an ongoing, reflective journey. It is something that teaches us about questioning, understanding and relationships: relationships with ourselves, others, the world and beyond.
Spirituality enables our children to be happy; flourish and succeed and live life in all its fullness.
The four elements of Spirituality
Spirituality looks to explore our relationships and connections. These are relationships with:
- Ourselves
- Others
- The World
- Beyond
Nurturing and developing Spirituality
The children encounter a range of opportunities to develop their own spiritual journey. These opportunities are raised throughout the curriculum in order to educate the whole child. We aim teach the children to reflect and consider their own actions in a number of different ways:
At St Mark’s we think about spirituality in three ways.

Reflect on our place in the world and acknowledge that we were all created to be special.
Look out to the world around you in new ways.
Respond to the feelings and situations of others and put our school values into action.
Look in to reflect about our own feelings, learning and experiences.
Learn from our mistakes and be proud of what we have achieved.