Curriculum Intent
Vision Statement for Mathematics
At St. Mark’s we want to ensure that our children have a positive attitude to mathematics through encountering diverse and stimulating teaching and learning experiences (including computing) in order to achieve mastery of knowledge, skills and understanding. We want our children to develop a core understanding and fluency in the key areas of number, measure, time, geometry and statistics. Through rich opportunities for problem solving, investigations and puzzles in a range of contexts, we aim to develop their reasoning skills, independent thought, co-operation and perseverance. We want our children to enjoy maths and develop a confidence and fascination for the subject that will enable them to tackle the wide range of mathematical experiences they will encounter both in school and in their future
in our scientific and technological world.
Aims and Objectives
The aims of mathematics at St Mark’s are:
To foster a positive attitude to mathematics as a stimulating and attractive part of the curriculum.
To promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for mathematical learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion.
To become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice so they develop the ability to recall knowledge rapidly and accurately.
To confidently use a range of mathematical models, images and resources to develop conceptual understanding and a sense of number.
To develop confidence, independence and the ability to take risks when working both alone and co-operatively.
To develop an understanding of the connectivity of patterns and relationships within mathematics.
To develop the ability to solve problems, puzzles or lines of enquiry applying their knowledge rapidly and accurately to a variety of routine and non-routine problems in a range of contexts.
To develop the ability to clearly and concisely communicate their mathematical reasoning both verbally and in writing using appropriate vocabulary with precision and understanding.
To make connections between topics within mathematics, with other subjects and in in real life contexts outside the classroom to strengthen their knowledge, skills and understanding and remember more.
To understand the importance of mathematics in everyday life and their need for mathematical skills in their future life, especially the work place.
The Maths Curriculum
At St. Mark’s we deliver the National Curriculum by following a Teaching for Mastery Approach. We have chosen to use White Rose Maths to underpin our mathematics curriculum as it provides an ambitious, connected curriculum that is accessible to all pupils and has a clear progression through the primary years.
Teachers follow the White Rose Yearly Overview for their Year group where all mathematical topics are taught in blocks. This ensures that all topics are covered and revisited during the year by all children and enables whole school monitoring of maths. Teachers may adapt the long term overviews to meet cohort specific needs (including preparation for SATs), to ensure that explicit links are made between concepts in mathematics and to ensure there is varied and frequent opportunities for pupils to recall previously taught knowledge. Across the year, statistics should be reinforced by all year groups through other curriculum subjects, particularly science.
At St. Mark’s, we teach written methods for the 4 rules of number: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division following the White Rose Maths Guidance.
Key Instant Recall Facts
KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are designed to support the development of mental maths skills that underpin much of the maths work in our school. Each year group is allocated facts to focus on throughout the year, in line with the National Curriculum and age-related expectations. They are intended to be challenging and it is intended that children will be taught the necessary maths in lessons beforehand.
Retrieval practice and rapid recall of number facts is important because if children are able to recall number facts automatically, it allows them to free up their working memory when faced with more complex questions. They are also able to more efficiently and accurately solve problems, reason and make connections if they are not having to repeatedly calculate the same ‘basic’ facts. When children move onto written calculations and abstract methods, knowing these key facts is crucial.
For children to become more efficient in recalling them easily, they need to be practised frequently and in short bursts. They will be developed in school but it is important that they are also practised each week, possibly in smaller, regular bursts, at home, to ensure that the KIRF is practiced and learnt so that children grow in confidence to recall their facts instantly.
Supporting your child at home
White Rose Maths:
Advice and guidance for parents | White Rose Maths (
1-minute maths app | White Rose Maths (
Designed for use both in class and at home, the White Rose 1-minute maths app helps children build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!
Check out these 7 top reasons for using 1-minute maths!
Excellent practice – and no distractions.
A clear, intuitive process that children pick up straight away.
No login or internet access needed. Just download and play.
Enjoyable and motivating… How many can they get correct in one minute?
Helpful hints match those used in class.
Brilliant for building number fluency and confidence.
It’s FREE!
Times Table Rock Stars
Children in Years 2 – 6 can practise their multiplication and division facts using Times Table Rock Stars. Log in details can be found in the children’s Reading Diaries.