Curriculum Intent
As a church school within the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust, our curriculum follows the principles of the Trust, embraces our own local context and is led by our Christian vision and values.
Our curriculum:
- Is unique to our school, drawing on local culture, heritage and community to ensure it is inspiring and relevant to our children. Through careful research, we have made meaningful links to significant events, people and changes that have made an impact to our local area and the lives of our children.
- Has the children at its centre, using their ideas and interests as the starting point for our cross-curricular projects, allowing them to take ownership of their learning. It is flexible and responds to pupils’ ideas, creativity, curiosity and feedback, alongside evaluations of how well pupils learn. This is achieved through careful monitoring, effective marking and feedback strategies and opportunities to conference with children as a whole class, in small groups or on a 1:1 basis.
- Provides the children with a variety of rich and memorable experiences connecting them to the world beyond our school and promoting a life-long love of learning, through a variety of trips, visits, hands on activities and external visitors.
- Includes a coherent progression of knowledge and skills for each subject that is thoughtfully sequenced to allow children to learn more and remember more.
- Secures pupils' core skills, knowledge and understanding to ensure they achieve the highest standards of learning and is adapted, designed and developed for pupils with additional learning needs or disabilities.
- Prepares children for their next stage of learning including secondary school and moving into the wider world.
- Provides both coverage of the National Curriculum and appropriate progression from EYFS to Y6 and beyond. This is underpinned by clear and thorough skills and knowledge progressions for each subject, that allow for smooth transition between year groups, building on previous learning and making connections with new learning.
- Recognises, celebrates and welcomes each of our pupils as a unique individual, which is captured by our vision statement ‘Let Your Light Shine’ and shown by our mission statement ‘To help children achieve their best on their learning journey’. All children are supported to ensure they reach their full potential and are encouraged to develop individual strengths.
- Provides a broad range of creative learning experiences to develop children’s moral, spiritual, social, mental, physical and cultural understanding through planned visits, access to a range of extracurricular clubs, taking part in adventurous activities during Year 6 residential and within the forest school, opportunities to take part in a calendar of competitive and non-competitive sports events, enjoying close links with the local churches and taking part in music events alongside the local community.
- Provides opportunities for pupils to understand and develop our five core Christian values – Hope, Honesty, Friendship, Forgiveness and Perseverance. These are celebrated within worship and are weaved throughout the curriculum allowing children and adults to build strong relationships based on trust and respect.
- Is ambitious for all pupils, which is shown through staff commitment to continual curriculum development and improvement by completing rigorous self-assessment.
- Helps pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging so they can make a positive contribution to society actively promoting the fundamental British vales of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.