Paddington Unicef
At St Mark’s we award, each term, a Paddington Bear to one child in the school community in memory of Mrs Macaulay who died of cancer. The bear is awarded to a child who puts the needs of others first. With this Paddington link, we decided this Christmas to work with Unicef to send Paddington parcels to children around the world who are in need. The two children who had won the opportunity to be Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher for the day selected which items to send in Paddington’s parcel. They chose measles vaccinations for 20 children, winter clothes to keep children warm this winter, a football to bring people communities together and high energy biscuits to feed children in emergencies when food is not available. Syd and Clemence where delighted that we had enough money to be able to purchase a school in a box. Being able to supply this will make such a difference to children's lives when their education is interrupted by emergencies, like earthquakes, the school in a box can help at least 40 children. The children of St Mark’s think that it is important to help others who are less fortunate than themselves.