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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"

Breakfast Club

St Mark’s Breakfast Club aims to provide a secure, affordable and welcoming facility for families attending the school. We are open on a daily basis in the Main Hall and children can arrive anytime from 7.30am until the start of school.


We aim to offer a healthy choice of breakfast in a calm relaxed environment. We encourage the children to be as independent as possible in making their healthy food choices as part of a balanced diet and be responsible for clearing away their dishes. Breakfast is served up until 8.15am. Pupils can choose from a selection of breakfast items, ranging from cereals, fruit, yogurts and toast with hot toppings,such as spaghetti hoops or beans. There are also soft drinks and milk or water.


Places are booked by visiting Parent Pay where you will be required to pay in advance to secure your booking.


After their breakfast, children can enjoy a quiet table top game or colouring activity. They are encouraged to develop their social and interactive skills with pupils from across all the year groups. On some days there may be opportunities for the breakfast club children to access the ICT suite or take part in outdoor games on the KS2 playground.


The club is run by members of the school staff team so they will be familiar to the children. There are always at least two members of staff present. All the Breakfast Club staff are trained in First Aid and Food Hygiene and hold current enhanced DBS certificates.


Breakfast Club has been awarded a Food Standards Agency rating of 5 which is the highest score available.