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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"


At St. Mark’s we aim to balance the requirement of homework with the importance of family leisure time and the need for children to rest from school work. 

The following homework is set each week for all pupils: 
Read aloud to an adult at home at least 5 times a week.   
Each reading session should be approximately 10 minutes long and also include time for discussion and questions about what they have read. Pupils in KS2 who are on a ‘free reader’ book are also encouraged to read silently to themselves once they have read to an adult.  See ‘Reading’ on our curriculum page on the website. 

The following homework is also set each week for pupils in Years 1-6:  

Practise and learn spellings (including common exception words and statutory word lists) on Spelling Shed to support and reinforce spelling rules taught at school. Pupils are set 10 assignments per week (approx. 10 minutes) to practise at home, but pupils may practice for longer if they choose to. You do not need to purchase the Spelling Shed app to log-on and can access your child’s spelling games for free by logging in here:  
Practise and learn maths facts and times tables


For pupils in Years 1-3 Numbots (free app) 


For pupils in Years 2-6 Times Tables Rockstars (free app) 


Your child’s log-in details for all the above apps can be found on the ‘website username and password page’ of the home school diary. 


In addition to the above homework, pupils in Year 6 receive 30 minutes of maths homework and 30 minutes of English homework per week. This is to support them in their transition to secondary school; pupils have the opportunity to attend ‘homework and revision club’ after school to support them with this homework, which is always set to reinforce the learning that has already been covered in school. 


No homework is set over holidays (with the exception of Y6 who may be set short daily revision tasks for the SAT tests over the Easter holidays).


We strongly encourage all pupils to continue to read a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry during the half term holidays to continue developing their love of reading for pleasure.