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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"



Our vision for Music at St Mark’s is to provide an opportunity for participation and enjoyment in a wide variety of musical activities and workshops. During class-based lessons children develop their skills in singing, playing instruments, listening, appreciation, teamwork and performance. Outside of the classroom children have further opportunities to practise their musical abilities through choir, instrumental lessons and high-quality award-winning performances. 

Words from our children:

Music is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum.  Our school uses the Get Set for Music scheme as the basis for its curriculum planning.  It supports all requirements of the Model Curriculum and is in line with published Ofsted guidance.  Plans are designed so that the topics that the children study in music build upon prior learning. While there are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each teaching unit, the progression planned into the scheme of work means that the children are increasingly challenged as they learn. Learning within the scheme is based on:  


Curriculum planning in music is followed through the Get Set for Music scheme of work which is available online to all teachers.  The long-term plan maps the music topics studied in each term during both the key stages.  Through this scheme, we teach the knowledge, skills and understanding set out in the National Curriculum.  The medium-term plans give details of each unit of work for each term. Within this are detailed weekly lesson plans and engaging interactive whiteboard activities to suit specialist and non-specialist teachers within music.  In this way, we ensure that children have complete coverage of the Model Curriculum, but do not have to repeat topics.  Where possible the  

teaching of music is linked to the class project and identified on the project planning sheets. 


Music also contributes to the teaching of English in our school by actively promoting the  

skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.  Children develop their language skills through singing songs, with attention to diction, meaning, rhythm and rhyme.  They use reference books, and develop research skills, when finding out about the history of music and musicians.  Music is also used to stimulate discussion or creative writing.  Through working with others in a musical setting, children develop their ability to communicate ideas effectively.  Evaluation of musical composition requires children to articulate their ideas and to compare and contrast their own views with those of their peers. 


The teaching of music contributes to children’s mathematical understanding in a variety of ways. Children who study the structure of music are observing patterns and processes.  Talent in music is often linked with talent in mathematics, as the rhythm and structure of music are mathematically  



Through the common goal of making music, children learn to work effectively with other people, and to build up good relationships.  Music is the basis of many social activities, and has an important role to play in the personal development of many young people.  It has a vital role to play in building self-confidence.  Participation in successful public musical performances is sometimes one of the most memorable things young people do at school. Creating, performing, or listening to music can sometimes be a moving and even spiritual  experience.  We encourage children to reflect on the effect that music has on people’s moods, senses, and quality of life.  Children at our school have the opportunity to encounter music  from many cultures and, through their growing knowledge and understanding of the music, they develop more positive attitudes towards other cultures. 


ICT enhances the teaching of music, where appropriate, in all key stages.  Children are able use computer programs such as Purple Mash, to compose music.  They also use ICT to enhance their research skills through the Internet.  They listen to music on the Internet, and they record their own compositions electronically.  They might experiment with editing voice recordings, which involves the use of a digital sound recorder.  


At St Mark’s the children in the EYFS follow the curriculum set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.  The provision of Music is assured through the area of learning of ’Expressive Arts and Design’ and assessed against the ELG. 


At St Mark’s, we ensure that all children have the opportunity to take part in Music and that lessons are adapted accordingly to meet the needs of all the children in the class, including those with SEND. 

How is our curriculum unique to St Mark’s? 

Communal singing has always played an important role in at St Mark’s in acts of worship and celebrations. 


St Mark’s has a popular school choir, which we encourage all children to join from Year 3. The choir meets regularly and, although its primary aim is to enable children to enjoy singing together, it also performs in public on a number of occasions throughout the year, for example at the Christmas carol concert or Remembrance Service. Our choir has participated in the local Junior Arts Music Festival and are regularly invited to sing at local events.   


Children have the opportunity to play hand bells during upper Key Stage 2. 

The introduction of Rock Steady bands in January 2023 have been very popular across the school, with children participating in concerts to parents and children. 


What does it mean to be a musician? 

We are all musical beings and music allows us to express ourselves and show our personality. Music can help with speech, language, coordination and movement. Playing an instrument ignites both sides of the brain as well as developing fine motor skills. Being a musician means learning skills such as teamwork, cooperation and listening. 


Studying music could give you endless opportunities in the future, including becoming a pop star, an influencer, or be part of an orchestra or rock band. You could be a teacher, vocal coach, a music therapist, work on films, in the theatre or in the music industry. There are lots of opportunities in TV or radio involving sound and music. You don’t have to be a performer as there are roles in choreography, backstage, technicians and designers.

At the end of Year 6 our children will be able to: 

  • access, achieve and enjoy music. 

  • develop knowledge and skills in the interlinked disciplines of active listening, composing and improvising, performing and singing.  

  • be creative and to have fostered an appreciation of music, inspiring interest and curiosity in a range of musical styles and traditions, using music as a way to learn about other cultures.  

  • showcase their talents as musicians with regular chances to create, play and perform music to an audience. 

  • find the music that moves them, so that they will continue to take joy from it throughout their lives. 

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