Young Voices
15th June 2021 at 2pm!
YV are encouraging everyone who takes part to donate £1 to our partner charity Place2Be. 1 in 8 children and young people have a diagnosable mental health problem. Young Voices is working in partnership with Place2Be to help support these children in schools across the UK and the YV Biggest Sing will support Place2Be’s work.
Place2Be is the UK’s leading school-based children’s mental health charity, working to ensure that no child has to face mental health problems alone. At a time when looking after our mental health has never been more important, Place2Be’s dedicated and familiar frontline teams have been a lifeline for children, families and school staff. Place2Be offers a number of vital services, including training school staff to build awareness and skills, one-to-one specialist support for children facing difficulties, and Place2Talk drop in sessions where any child can book an appointment to talk about any worries they have.