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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"


Geography Vision


At St Mark’s, we believe that children should be taught about conservation at the local seaside so that they understand the links to marine life and waste as part of our eco-council action areas and aims. As we live in a small town, we want the children to have an understanding of a big city (such as London) and how that compares to Worle. We want our children to have the opportunity to explore the countryside so that they can use their navigation skills in the real world and make links across their learning. We believe the children should have more exposure to the physical and human features of the wider world so that they develop their understanding of diversity and multi-culturalism.


What makes our curriculum special at St Mark's


When our children leave St Marks, they will be able to:

Understand the importance of looking after our planet Earth and how their actions contribute towards its future. They will have a secure knowledge and an understanding of how the world is constructed from small villages through to the continents. Children will be able to share what human and physical processes are and how they are connected. They will understand the local geographical characteristics and be able to explain how these contrast to other areas of the world.