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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"

Dance Festival

North Somerset Dance Festival


Our Year 6 boys put on a fantastic performance at the Playhouse Theatre. They had worked hard at their early morning rehearsals, learning two thrilling routines, which were show-cased to the families in a 600-seat audience. The theme for this year was ‘Dance through the generations.’ The boys performed one routine from the 1960’s to ‘I Get around’ and ‘Surfing USA’ where they had their beach ball and painted surf boards as props.

Their second performance was a hip-hop routine, to a compilation of street dance tracks. They enjoyed creating their own costumes and having robotic face art with stage make-up to finish off their look. The boys showed they had good stamina and high energy throughout the dances. Their performance and behaviour were a credit to the school and their families.