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St Mark’s Primary School

"'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16"

Year 6 Secondary School Transition

Hints and Tips for Transition to Secondary School


Discussion points that often are raised by Year 6 children.


This is a very exciting time ahead for all of you! There will be many things to look forward to, but we also understand some of you may be feeling a little bit wobbly about leaving your primary school and lovely teachers and friends behind. Below are a few points that children sometimes think about when they are getting ready for their new secondary school. It would be a good idea to read through these and discuss them with the adults in your household or a trusted staff member at school.

        Getting lost a round the school              

You will be given a map and shown around by staff.

The buildings and classroom doors are all clearly marked.

At first all the children will move between each classroom as a group.

Teachers will come outside the classrooms and be visible for directions and support in between lessons and at social times.

Forgetting equipment      


Remember to look at your timetable at home each night and pack your bag ready for the next day. Create habits of putting your school bags, PE Kits, water bottles, lunch bags in a visible spot, preferably near the front door. Write in your school planners if the teachers ask for any extra equipment and remember to have your PE washed after each use so it will be ready.


         Getting to school     

Circumstances allowing, most secondary pupils travel to school independently.

Practise this route in advance with family members or friends, being aware of traffic.

Work out timings so you are not dashing to school at the last minute.

Consider different green travel methods.

If possible, arrange to meet up with friends to travel with.

If you use a bike or scooter, ensure it is locked up at school securely in the bike sheds.

If you are using a school bus – arrange for a seat near the front with the driver initially.

The schoolwork and homework being too difficult    


Pupils will receive support with their work from the teachers.

Remember that each year of your school life the work expectations have gradually increased and you have coped!

Speak to your tutors if you are struggling with a particular subject.

Practise at home, it will help.

You will be given homework tasks and an expected date for this to be completed. You need to write the details in your school planners so you know what to do and when it is due to be handed in.

Aim to complete your home learning tasks in plenty of time, so if you have a problem with it, you will have time to seek help from a teacher.

Most schools have a daily homework club in their library centres –  if you attend these, there will be teachers present to support you.

Making new friends                 

and maintaining old friends    


Pupils will be placed in a mixed tutor group by their new school – this may not be with your close friends from your primary school, but you can meet up or keep in touch with all of your friends at social times, both in and out of school.

Talk to new friends – everyone will be in the same position and feeling a bit shy at first.

Share a smile – it really does work.

Joining school clubs will help find like-minded friends with similar interests.


Being bullied


If you experience some unkind words or actions from others, speak out and seek help from school staff, the same as you would have done in your primary school.

Find a trusted adult at school or home to help you

Getting detentions      


Follow the school rules and you will not end up in detention. 

Hand homework in on time and remember your equipment, such as PE kits.

If you have a problem in the classroom, you need to show the teacher respect and speak to them in a calm manner to solve resolutions.

Remember to keep to St Mark’s values of ‘hands and feet to yourselves’ and ‘if you can’t think of anything nice to say – to not say anything.’

Feel confident to be able to say no to peer pressure if you know you are being persuaded to do or say something you know is wrong. Share any concerns with a trusted adult.

Social media             



You may have more freedom at secondary school to use social media.

Ensure you stick to the online safety rules of not sharing personal information and only accepting people as ‘friends’ that you actually know in real life.

If used correctly, social media can be a good way to keep in touch with your friends and family. Most schools have restrictions on when pupils can use their phones in school time – this is important to stick to, to save your phone being confiscated by staff members.

It is important to remember to be kinds to others, and not post comments or pictures that will be upsetting for anyone else. This is an offence and your details can be checked by people in authority.

Parent note:

It is always beneficial for parents to have these conversations in advance of children starting at their new secondary schools. Even the most confident of children, will have some wobbles. They are used to being the oldest of their primary school and familiar with the buildings, staff and peers. By talking through these points, it should help build their resilience and help develop their independence.


Mrs Davis, Family Adviser & Mental Health Lead, St Mark’s Primary School.